Every year, IPAM Lisboa and Porto, in partnership with the Employability Office, promotes the Impact Programme,
The Impact Programme aims to help the development of companies’ marketing competences in partnership with the academic sector. It also intends to respond to companies’ real issues, in a clear marketing perspective, being clear that the project to be developed is a Marketing Plan. The assignments are developed by the students in a classroom environment.
This way, we invite companies to submit their applications that will be analysed and selected by project coordinators.
At IPAM, students work with the Nielsen bases, Marktest and Euromonitor, among other, where they apply their knowledge in a marketing management simulator and engage in several international competitions, such as L'Oreal Brandstorm, OnLine Google Challenge, Junior Achievement Portugal, Prizes, Grace, Global Management Challenge (GMC), National Contest of Young Farmers (CAP), among other.
At IPAM, students work with the Nielsen bases and Marktest, among other, where they apply their knowledge in a marketing management simulator and engage in several international competitions, such as L'Oreal Brandstorm, OnLine Google Challenge or the Procter & Gamble Challenge.
IPAM’s academic staff currently comprises about 55 people. The vast majority hold PhDs with a huge business experience, about 10 years on average in companies such as Makro, Daymon, Generis, Worten, Novo Banco, Unilever, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), SAS and Sonae, to name but a few.
IPAM’s academic staff currently comprises about 80 people. The vast majority hold PhDs with a huge business experience, about 15 years on average in companies such as Toyota, Portugal Ventures, Sonae, El Corte Inglês, Sheraton, Pingo Doce, Agros, Montepio Geral, Vodafone, Banif, among many others.
The proximity to the business environment inspires a unique experience for IPAM students, since more than 50 events are held each year. Major international conferences are held, with the participation of some of the world's greatest gurus such as Philip Kotler (Marketing), Tom Peters (Strategy), Soren Askergaard (Consumer), William Sutton (Sports Marketing), Cristina Ferreira (Television), Rui Pedro Batista (Sustainability), Margarida Velez (Consumer Strategy), and many others.
The proximity to the business environment stimulates a unique experience for IPAM students, since more than 100 events are held every year. Major international conferences are held, with the participation of some of the world's greatest gurus such as Philip Kotler (Marketing), Tom Peters (Strategy), Soren Askergaard (Consumer), William Sutton (Sports Marketing), John Gillespie (Wine Marketing), Susana Garcia (Luxury Marketing), Eric Berkowitz (Health Marketing), among many others.
Traineeship subject to assessment through a traineeship report. Included in the study plan of the Bachelor's degree or Master’s degree the student is attending. Can be mandatory or optional.
A traineeship supervisor must be appointed at the host entity to ensure a good understanding and compliance with the agreed traineeship plan, and a Mentor at the Teaching Institution responsible for monitoring and assessing the traineeship report.
The school insurance is extended to the traineeship location.
A student can carry out a Curricular traineeship by one of the following means:
The Traineeship protocol must be issued before the start date of the traineeship. The Traineeship proposal must be submitted at Student Portal in the application area.
How long does the traineeships last?
The duration depends on the Curricular Unit being studied by the student. The traineeship regulation in force for the respective academic year and the Curricular Unit File (FUC) should be checked.
IPAM Lisboa Traineeship Regulation
Experience in the labour market for students with active enrolment in the institution on any Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or executive training programme.
Maximum duration of 12 months.
It is not mandatory to draft a traineeship report since there is no assessment.
A traineeship supervisor must be appointed at the host entity to ensure a good understanding and compliance with the agreed traineeship plan.
The School insurance is extended to the traineeship location; last year students are covered by the insurance until 31st August of their final Bachelor's degree or Master’s degree year.
A student can carry out a Non-professional extracurricular traineeship by one of the following means:
The Traineeship protocol must be issued before the start date of the traineeship. The Traineeship Proposal must be submitted at Student Portal in the application area.
Aimed at graduates from Bachelor's degrees or Master’s degrees up to 2 years after completing the degree.
Professional traineeships are regulated by Decree-Law No. 66/2011 and can be subdivided as follows:
A traineeship supervisor must be appointed at the host entity to ensure a good understanding and compliance with the agreed traineeship plan.
The host entity must ensure that an occupational accident insurance is taken out, to be reported to the Employability Office.
A student can carry out a Professional extracurricular Traineeship by one of the following means:
The Traineeship protocol must be issued before the start date of the traineeship. The Traineeship Proposal must be submitted at Student Portal in the application area.
After the traineeship has been obtained. What is the next step?
After the traineeship has been obtained (be it a curricular, extracurricular or professional one), the student must submit their Traineeship Proposal in the Request area of their Student Portal. The Traineeship Proposal must be attached to the Application.
A traineeship is always preceded by the signature of a traineeship protocol between the trainee, the host entity and the Teaching Institution.
The traineeship protocol consists of a digital document, entered into by the three parties, and must be signed by all parties. The digital copy must be returned to the Educational Institution.
NOTE: In the form, the student will have to fill all the requested fields (the Legal Representative represents the person with legitimacy to sign the traineeship protocol, on the company’s behalf)
The traineeship can only start after the traineeship proposal has been accepted.
Traineeships may extend beyond the stipulated date before the Traineeship Protocol.
For this purpose, after agreeing the final date with the host entity, the student can email their request to the Employability Office, for an Addendum to the Traineeship Protocol to be carried out, indicating the new final application deadline.
Like the Traineeship Protocol, the Addendum consists of a written document in three copies, one copy being given to each contracting party.