The IPAM Lab focuses on the production and dissemination of interdisciplinary research projects associated with a broad range of themes related to marketing and consumption.
Its aim is to focus on the consolidation of a research culture based on the following principles:
The main commitments of the IPAM Lab have three main drivers:
The Science Café is an informal sharing session that brings together some of the IPAM Lab researchers and aims to promote knowledge among the members of the research unit.
The workshops held by IPAM Lab are of an investigative nature and are open to the entire academic community that aim to increase knowledge in the Marketing area through practice.
Normally held in a hybrid format, the IPAM Lab research seminars aim to foster scientific knowledge in Marketing.
The Marketing Leads Business Congress aims to break the barrier that has been identified between academic research and the daily challenges of organisations in the areas of Marketing and Business. The main target audience are managers, marketing professionals, and all those interested in the subject who could benefit from academic knowledge that can be applied in professional practice.
The Junior Research Academy is an event where the 2nd year students of the Master's degree in Marketing Management present their research work. At this moment teachers are invited to discuss the work and the entire academic community is invited to attend.