The word “Marketing” in the 1980s was practically not a part of our lexicon. In fact, the concept of “Marketing” emerged in Portugal hand in hand with the foundation of the Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing (IPAM) in1987here is a place for visionaries at IPAM. And yours is here!.
This innovative, disruptive and avant-garde spirit has been part of IPAM's DNA since its genesis. And Marketing has been, since then, for IPAM the cornerstone that makes this institution the oldest and largest school of Marketing in Portugal, having trained around 20 000 students during its 38 years of activity.
If it was until recently “The Marketing School”, as a result of its evolution and the connection to the market and trends, IPAM has taken a new position giving Marketing a new dimension “Marketing Leads Business”, materialising the conviction that future disruptive leaders who are capable of transforming business and society through a Marketing vision are trained in IPAM.
Corroborating this conviction, IPAM has an educational offering that meets national and international trends, in which studies indicate that future CEO's will no longer be financial, but people with background in Marketing, given their ability to better cope with a volatile and uncertain environment like the one we live in today.
With physical campuses in Porto and Lisbon, and with an online presence, IPAM also embodies its positioning in its teaching portfolio, expanding the boundaries of Marketing to other areas related to Business and Technology, offering programmes of excellence in the following: CTeSP, Bachelor's Degrees, Masters and Executive Training.
IPAM is an institution dedicated to the creation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge. It is aimed at the professional sphere, providing training and qualification at a high level for various professional audiences, as well as those of technological research and development for the promotion of these communities, in cooperation with regional, national and international entities.
IPAM is a private, polytechnic higher education institution endowed with scientific, pedagogical and cultural autonomy. It has the mission of creating, disseminating, and applying knowledge based on the freedom of cultural creativity, on scientific and pedagogical innovation, promoting higher education in the European space and contributing in the integral development of people and society based on principles that hold knowledge, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship to be factors in growth, sustainable development, well-being, and solidarity.
The educational, cultural and scientific project of the Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing (IPAM) responds to the growing needs of society, seeking to be a national and international reference and the first choice of students and employers. It aims to develop the scientific and entrepreneurial spirit, encourage research and investigative work, expanding the understanding of man and the environment in which he integrates. It is also intended to stimulate the knowledge of the problems of today's world, promote and value multiculturality and social responsibility, as well as to train graduates fit for professional insertion and participation in the development of society.
The adopted model is based on the acquisition of systemic skills, conceptual and instrumental, in simulation, tutoring, collaborative learning and behavioural valences. Particular importance is given to the use of technology in two aspects: as a teaching tool, which enhances and facilitates the acquisition of skills, and as a scientific and technical component of some curricular units. Likewise, extracurricular activities – including the retransmission of conferences and lectures with international personalities, the organization of conferences with individualities of recognized merit and the definition of an intense cultural agenda – occupy a prominent place in the academic life of IPAM.