IPAM celebrates four decades and presents a Manifesto that redefines the future of marketing

November 5 2024

The Portuguese Institute of Marketing Administration (IPAM) presented the Marketing Manifesto, a document that lays the foundations for the area's evolution, defending a long-term approach based on authenticity, sustainability and innovation, as part of the celebration of 40 years of pioneering and leading marketing education in Portugal, which took place yesterday, November 4, at Casa da Música in Porto. The Manifesto, developed with the contribution of specialists, managers, professors and researchers, is a call for deeper marketing in line with the ethical and technological challenges of the future.

The event began with a retrospective of IPAM's 40 years, recalling the impact of the institution which, since 1984, has shaped marketing education in Portugal. Daniel Sá, IPAM's Executive Director, and Filipe Araújo, Deputy Mayor of Porto, welcomed the guests and stressed the institution's role in developing business leaders in tune with current market demands.

“40 years on, IPAM is an institution with more than 3,300 students, 300 professors and more than 20,000 graduates spread across all kinds of industries around the world. In four decades, marketing has gone from a peripheral area to being the driving force behind organizations. 2024 marks the expansion of the Porto Campus and the inauguration of a new Campus in Lisbon,” says Daniel Sá, IPAM's executive director.

According to Filipe Araújo, “more than training marketing professionals, this institution is a beacon of excellence, with rigorous, innovative and cutting-edge teaching, capable of training and developing the future leaders of our country. An institution that over the years has been able to respond to the growing needs of our society, seeking to grow in a sustainable way, and is today a reference at national and international level,” said the mayor.

One of the highlights of the ceremony was a video message from Philip Kotler, considered the “father of modern marketing”. Kotler congratulated IPAM, recalling with emotion the transformation of Marketing over the last few years: “I greet all the students and faculty of IPAM's School of Marketing. I was at your institution in 2010. I remember the satisfaction that this visit brought me. Congratulations IPAM! I wish you every success.

Marketing Manifesto: New paradigms for a world in constant transformation

Presented by Daniel Sá, the Marketing Manifesto represents a new vision for marketing, focused on creating lasting and meaningful relationships with consumers. According to the manifesto, marketing must evolve from a short-term logic and immediate response to a philosophy of “long distance” - or “Long Tok” - where sustainability and authenticity become fundamental pillars.

The document highlights the importance of marketing that goes beyond traditional metrics, promoting the creation of value through an omnichannel experience and a true emotional connection. Personalization and consistency in the various communication platforms are identified as essential for brands to overcome information noise, while technology must be used as a tool to humanize relationships, always respecting the user's privacy.

In a round table moderated by Marta Bicho, Director of IPAM Lisboa, and with the participation of Ricardo Mena, curator of the manifesto, Carlos Coelho and Tiago Fleming, the main conclusions of the document were discussed. The discussion covered topics such as authenticity, the importance of uniting analytical and creative thinking, the focus on ethical and sustainable practices, and the integration of marketing into business models. Participants also highlighted the importance of managing agile teams and retaining talent as key factors in facing market volatility.

Commitment to innovation and long-term thinking

Carlos Bertrán, general director of the Europa Education group in Portugal, which includes IPAM, closed the event by reinforcing the institution's commitment to “continuing to train professionals who not only stand out in Portugal, but who are also a reference for society and the market”.

Over the course of 40 years, IPAM has established itself as the benchmark in marketing education in Portugal, with campuses in Porto, Lisbon and a 100% online education option. With more than 20,000 graduates and an employability rate of more than 95%, IPAM continues to lead the way in marketing education, preparing the next generations for a constantly evolving marketing.

The launch of the Marketing Manifesto affirms IPAM as a protagonist in defining the future of the discipline, highlighting the need for marketing that is deeper, more sustainable and geared towards creating long-term value.


Silvia Bandeira | Luis Valentim | Luis Schwab | Ricardo Mena

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