Alunos do IPAM Porto visitam a Lexus Portugal
16 abril 2019
No passado dia 11 de março de 2019, os alunos da Licenciatura Global em Marketing [] do IPAM Porto, no âmbito da UC de Distribution and Retail, visitaram a Lexus Portugal. Para a recolha de dados para a realiação de um projeto em grupo aplicado à empresa, contaram com o Eng. Nuno Domingues, Diretor da Lexus Portugal.
An important part of this course is applying what students have learned to real biz cases. Therefore, students, working in groups of approximately 4-5 members, will conduct an analysis and evaluation of the Lexus’s marketing channels strategies and mix elements by applying information learned in the course and external data collection. It involves an analysis of a relevant problem/challenge for Lexus and the entire auto industry: Is the Car Dealership Model Death? Or it will be a thing of the past?