Docente do IPAM Porto na WorldCist'19 / Lecturer from IPAM Porto at the WorldCist'19
12 abril 2019
A WorldCist'19 - 7ª Conferência Mundial sobre Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, realiza-se na Ilha La Toja, Galicia, Espanha, entre os dias 16 e 19 de abril de 2019 e conta com a participação do docente do IPAM Porto, José Luís Reis, que apresentará o paper Big Data Analysis In Supply Chain Management In Portuguese SMES "Leader Excellence", e será chair da sessão sobre Software and Systems Modeling. The WorldCist'19 - 7th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, will be held on La Toja Island, Galicia, Spain, from April 16 to 19, 2019. The event will be attended by José Luís Reis, Lecturer from IPAM Porto, who will present the paper "Big Data Analysis in Supply Chain Management" in Portuguese SMES "Leader Excellence", and will be chair of the session on Software and Systems Modeling.